Paseo Hills School News & Events
Upcoming Events at Paseo Hills
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District Office, Main Governing Board Room
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Sandra Day O'Connor High School
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Ann E's Closet & Pantry Open at Paseo Hills
Learn how you can shop for items, or donate items at the newest Ann E's Closet & Pantry.
Look for our Monthly Newspaper, H.I.S.S.- Headlines, Insider Scoops, and Spotlights, on the last Thursday of the month.
Paseo Hills School Information
Our Vision of Excellence:
Empowered by 21st century thinking, our students, teachers, and staff will use global connections, digital literacy, responsible citizenship, and open-mindedness in their daily lives.
Our Mission:
It is the mission of Paseo Hills to build relationships, in a positive, collaborative climate that produces lifelong learners.
Get details on the CEP, in effect for the 2024-25 school year.
Help our students get to class and back home on time with these guidelines.
See why the home of the Rattlers should be your student's next home!