Spirit Line
PH Spirit Line
(Grades 6-8)
Coach: Mrs. Elazizi and Mrs. Cross
contact information:mia.elazizi@dvusd.org
Please look at the tryout information below. There are jump requirements and dance requirements shown in the video clips. These are what you need to learn to be ready for the tryouts. GOOD LUCK!!
Here is the basketball/Spiritline schedule.
There is a $60 district athletic fee that will be due to be able to participate when you make the team. You will rent your shoes(if we have your size) and uniform for $25 and this is due as soon as you make the team. There will also be team t-shirts and bows that will need to be purchased (price to be determined), as well as team shoes if we do not have them in your size. If you write a check, please write it to Paseo Hills School. Cash is always accepted.
We will also be accepting tax credits for athletics--single $250, married filing jointly $400. PLEASE consider doing this to help our athletic programs. If you know anyone who might like to sponsor Paseo Hills Athletics, for $250 or more, we can get the sponsor banner hung in our MPR as a thank you.
For tryouts, learn the following dance and jumps:
Jumps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbGbxQM22Bc (up to 1:30) DO NOT learn past the 1:30 mark. (V Jump and Hurkey)
**Very important to watch all of the movements from head to the feet** If you need help or have questions please ask Mrs. Elazizi or Mrs. Cross
Prep: September 28th after school at 3:45 in room 219
Tryouts: September 29th after school at 3:45 in room 219
Cheer Expectations:
- Under no circumstances will any form of hazing be tolerated.
- PRE-SEASON Practices run on Tuesday and Thursday from 3:45 - 4:45 (October - December). Please make sure your transportation is here to get you!
- POST-SEASON Practices run Monday- Thursday 3:45-4:45 (January- April). Please make sure your transportation is here to get you!
- Spiritline members are required to attend ALL basketball games (Home and Away and playoffs. Spiritline Competition will be on ??? and you will need to provide transportation to the event.
- Excessive talking and horseplay will not be tolerated
- Be prepared to give your best effort every day
- No jewelry will be allowed at practice, games, competitions, etc
- Leave all distractions outside practice, games, etc
- Eat prior to practice and games.
- Call or email coach if you are not able to make a practice or a game.
Practice/Game expectations:
- Ready to go by 3:45 for practice and games. This means:
- Hair up
- Shoes on
- Uniform/workout clothes on
- Jewelry off
- Water and Gatorade ONLY (NO SODA/COFFEE Etc.)
- No cell phones (keep them in your bags at all times)
Tryouts: 02/10
Tryouts--What you need to have prepared for the tryout: You need to be able to do at least 2 of the jumps above and be able to do the dance that is taught and shown in the video.
Pre-tryout Q&A: This session is to assist you with any questions you may have or guidance for the tryouts. This is where you will find the sign-up sheet for your time to tryout. ROOM 219
When is the tryout: These are pending. We are trying to get a coach.
Parent meeting for those who make the team will be: in the LMC; a parent must be there to be able to fill out forms necessary for your athlete to be able to participate in a game. There is also a $60 district athletic fee that may be taken at the meeting. We will be presenting team shirts, which may be purchased at this meeting to take home at the end of the season. We will also be accepting tax credits for athletics--single $250, married filing jointly $400. PLEASE consider doing this to help our athletic programs. If you know anyone who might like to sponsor Paseo Hills Athletics, for $250 or more we can get the sponsor banner in our MPR as a thank you.
Change the Falcon to Rattlers in these cheers