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Paseo Hills School

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Paseo Hills School
Home of the Rattlers!

What is Title I?

2022 – 2023 Title 1 Parent Engagement Plan


 In collaboration with parents, teachers, administration, and staff, Paseo Hills School has created a Parental Engagement Plan to foster a strong, school-wide culture of parents, teachers, and community, working together for student success. To reach this goal, Paseo Hills School will provide parental engagement opportunities in the following areas:

PARENTING – To assist families with parenting skills, family support, understanding child and adolescent development, and setting home conditions to support learning at each age and grade level, Paseo Hills School will offer resources such as our free Parent Lending Library and Parental Engagement Resource Center.

COMMUNICATING – To better communicate with families about school programs and student progress using school-to-home and home-to-school communication, while creating two-way communication channels so families can easily connect with teachers and administrators, Paseo Hills School will provide Parent Data Nights, the school website, student planners, newsletters, Blackboard Connect phone, email, text (SMS) blasts, teacher emails, and teacher websites.

VOLUNTEERING – To improve recruitment, training, activities, and schedules to involve families as volunteers and audiences at the school to support students and the school’s programs, Paseo Hills School will provide our Parent Volunteer Literacy Program, the Parental Engagement Resource Center which can be used by all volunteers, and special events and opportunities throughout the year including PTSA, classroom volunteering, and chaperoning

LEARNING AT HOME – To involve families with their children in academic learning activities at home including homework, goal setting, and other curriculum-related activities and decisions, Paseo Hills School will work with families throughout the school year, at parent-teacher conferences, and at Parent Data Nights, to set academic goals and to develop at-home learning activities to include families as partners in progress and success.

DECISION MAKING – To include families as participants in school decisions, governance, and advocacy activities, Paseo Hills School will actively seek to include parents and family members on committees and teams that influence student achievement and school improvement such as the Continuous Improvement Team, Parent Teacher Student Association, and school-wide goal teams.

COLLABORATING WITH THE COMMUNITY – To coordinate the work and resources of community businesses, agencies, and cultural, civic and other organizations to strengthen programs, family practices, and student development, while enabling students, staff, and families to contribute service to the community, Paseo Hills School will work with community organizations and businesses to provide needed resources to families through the Giving Closet, Holiday Help Program, Parent Lending Library, and the Parental Engagement Resource Center.


Title I is short for Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, reauthorized as the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. It is the largest federal assistance program for schools. The federal government provides funding to the state. The state sends the money to school districts based on the number of families below a set income level. Local districts use the funding to provide instructional services and activities which support students in meeting the state's performance standards.
Paseo Hills receives federal funds to provide a schoolwide program. A schoolwide program serves all children in the school by providing staff and/or other resources to assist in classrooms in the areas of reading and math.
For more information about Title I, visit the AZ Department of Education website.