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Paseo Hills School

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Paseo Hills School
Home of the Rattlers!

PBIS Overview

Paseo Hills is a PBIS School


Rattlers show …


Own responsibility

Caring through



Paseo Hills School Goal:

By the end of the school year, Paseo Hills will create a positive and collaborative school culture and climate, ensuring high levels of learning for all students, as evidenced by quantitative and qualitative comparative data.


Why Paseo Hills is using Rattlers ROCK as a positive behavioral intervention and support system?

It is the goal of Paseo Hills to provide all students with behavioral expectations that are clearly defined, taught and reinforced, to encourage positive relationships and exemplary citizenship. Teachers provide students with monthly themed classroom lessons.  Our student discipline data shows that students are being sent to the office for defiance/disrespect and minor aggressive acts. When that happens, they are not learning, and this also interferes with the learning of others. We need to help all our students to be successful academically and behaviorally. When students struggle with reading – we teach. When students struggle with math or music – we teach. When students struggle with behavior – we need to teach them how to succeed.


What should Paseo Hills expect from using the Rattlers ROCK positive behavioral intervention and support system?

-Improved school climate

-Increase in staff satisfaction

-Improved individual students’ behaviors

-Increased instructional time

-Reduced office discipline referrals

-Reduced suspensions


Behavioral Expectations

At Paseo Hills we focus on the development of the whole child.  As part of the social emotional education of our students, we teach common behavioral expectations for all areas of campus.  Teachers and staff members will teach and reinforce these behavioral expectations on a daily basis as they interact with students.  Teachers will also provide monthly lessons to further develop student understanding.