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Paseo Hills School

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Paseo Hills School
Home of the Rattlers!

Library Media Center

      The mission of the Paseo Hills Library Staff is to work collaboratively with teachers and students to support academics, to promote reading for pleasure and information, and to prepare our community of learners with the life-long skills necessary to be competent, critical, ethical, and independent seekers and users of information.
New Library Books!
Books bought for the library collection thanks to money and donations raised from our book fair. Thank you!
Entering the Enchanted Book Fair
A wonderful entrance donated by a wonderful volunteer
Don't forget your library books
... or it's the dungeon!
A peek into the enchanted forest
A beautiful forest scene with enchanted trees, a wishing well, woodland creatures, fairies, and gnomes, all put together by amazing volunteers.
Do not enter!
Beware of the dragon in it's cave, or you might singed.
A breathtaking waterfall runs through it
A breathtaking waterfall and mermaid pond adorned the inside of the book fair where patrons could take enchanted photos, thanks to the hard work of our volunteers.
The entire forest
A panoramic view of the entrance, dungeon scene, forest scene, and dragon cave. Amazing work from the volunteers!
Would You Like to donate books to the Paseo Hills Library?
Students would love the following sets: 
Basketball teams
Baseball teams
Soccer teams
Hockey teams
Zoobooks (all animals)
Disney Books
State books (K-3 level)
Ames How to Draw books
Princess books
Barbie books
Graphic novels
Planet books 

Paseo Hills Library Media Center

Library Clerk:  Mx. Meghan Zehr

Phone:  623-445-4513


Paseo Hills School Library Catalog - click here to search for library books, or sign in to see what books you have out.



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