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Paseo Hills School

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Paseo Hills School
Home of the Rattlers!

About the Teacher


Phone: 623-376-5073

Mr. Chad DeVere

I recently moved to Arizona from Utah. I am married and have three wonderful children. This is my second year in the district and look forward to many more. Before teaching, I was a commissioned officer and Blackhawk Pilot in the US Army. Flying helicopters was always a dream of mine when I was a young kid.

After getting out of the military, I decided to go back to school and get a Masters degree and got an MBA with an emphasis in management. I got into teaching while living in Utah and taught ELA and Physical Education to 7th, 8th and 9th graders. When I am not working, I love to golf, watch sports and listen to music. Two of my favorite things are the Denver Broncos and the band Pink Floyd. You could say I am a fanatic of both. I am excited to get to know everyone and look forward to the coming school year.