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Paseo Hills School

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Paseo Hills School
Home of the Rattlers!

Move on When Reading (MOWR)

Move On When Reading (MOWR) is an Arizona State Law that utilizes the state test AASA (formerly AZ Merit, AZM2, & AIMS) to determine if 3rd grade students are reading at a proficient level and should be promoted to 4th grade. The Reading Specialist at Paseo Hills monitors all students' reading progress throughout the year and manages all things related to MOWR legislation. The following information was excerpted from Read On Arizona's website.


Move On When Reading

The “Move On When Reading” policy, a combination of A.R.S. §15-701, A.R.S. §15-704, and A.R.S. §15-211 laws, requires that a student not be promoted from third grade to fourth grade if he or she “does not demonstrate sufficient reading skills” on the state’s third grade reading test. “Does not demonstrate sufficient reading skills” indicates that the child is reading at a much lower level than is expected of a third grader and needs additional help.

The purpose of the policy is designed to promote early identification and intervention for children with reading challenges so that they are at or above grade level by the end of third grade.

What Schools are Required to Do:

Arizona law A.R.S.§15-704 states that districts or charters are required to:

  • Have a comprehensive K-3 assessment system
  • Provide for universal screening of pupils in preschool through third grade programs to identify students who have reading difficulties
  • Have a evidence-based reading curriculum
  • Provide explicit instruction and intensive intervention
  • Send out an annual written notice to K-3 parents about the policy
  • Send a second letter to students scoring “well below” on assessments throughout the year

For parents of students that have been identified as having difficulties with reading, a separate written notification is sent that includes:

  • Description of current reading services provided to pupil
  • Description of supplemental services to be provided
  • Parental strategies to assist student in attaining reading proficiency
  • Retention statement and explanation of exemption policy
  • Description of district or charter policy on mid-year promotion to a higher grade

At Paseo Hills, these notifications are provided either at your child's parent-teacher conference (both Fall & Spring if applicable) or in your child's report card. 

If your child is held back in third grade…

Retention does not mean that your child has failed. It does not mean that teachers or parents are not working hard enough. It means that your child needs and will have more time and help to catch up and read at grade level.

The law requires that students held back must be supported through appropriate strategies, which include:

  • Intensive reading instruction before, during, or after the regular school day
  • A different teacher assigned for reading instruction
  • Summer school reading instruction
  • Small group, teacher-led reading instruction, which may include computer-based learning

Learn more at:

If a child “does not demonstrate sufficient reading skills”…

A third grader who does not demonstrate sufficient reading skills may be promoted to fourth grade if the student:

  • Is an English language learner (ELL) and has received fewer than two years of instruction in English
  • Is in the process of a special education referral or has been diagnosed as having a reading impairment, including dyslexia
  • Is a child with a disability and his/her school’s Individualized Education Program team members agree that promotion is appropriate
  • Demonstrates sufficient reading skills or adequate progress in reading as evidenced through a collection of reading assessments approved by the State Board of Education