Class Information
Our Classroom Mission: In our class we will strive to improve ourselves daily. We will be active listeners who are kind and caring to all. We will work to create a positive learning environment so that we can all learn together, solve problems together, and build friendships.
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School Supplies List
- 1 dozen yellow wood #2 pencils
- 1 box of crayons
- 4 dry erase Black Expo markers
- 1 pack of glue sticks (No liquid glue please)
- 1 pair of scissors
- 3 One Subject Wide Rule Notebooks
- Pencil box
- Binder pencil pouch
- 1 1in 3 ring binder with pockets
- 1 headphones or earbuds (no bluetooth)
- 10 sheets of page protectors *optional
Please ensure the binder is no larger than 1 inch and the notebooks are all separate.